What our clients think of our service
As a growing exterior surface cleaning company we are keen to provide the highest possible standards of service and ensure that we meet our clients' needs.
In January 2023 we commissioned a survey to find out exactly what is most important to clients when selecting a company to carry out exterior cleaning, and how they rate OneFifty’s performance. In the survey we asked clients to grade us across a range of services with poor being the lowest grade and very good being the highest.
The results from the survey were overall very good. We achieved particularly high ratings for our technical knowledge and for the behaviour of our operatives on-site - 100% of respondents rated us in the top two categories - ‘good’ or ‘very good’.
A high percentage of respondents - 90% - also rated the quality of our cleaning and speed of response to enquiries as either ‘good’ or ‘very good’ – all items flagged as being of key importance when selecting an exterior cleaning company.
We also achieved good ratings for the efficiency of our communications and the value for money we deliver – with 85% of respondents rating these as good or very good. And when asked whether they would provide a testimonial for the company, 83% of participants said they would be happy to do this.
View infographic showing results.
what gets measured, gets done
We often receive positive feedback from our clients, but it was good to have this formally verified in the survey. We were also delighted by the comments clients made about the quality of our work and standards of our service.
The results also indicated that for some customers there was room for improvement in specific aspects of our service. This feedback has provided us with the opportunity to address how we can better meet a customers's individual requirements, one of the benefits of constructive feedback. We also received useful insights into additional services that might be of interest which we will be exploring in the near future.
Overall we are pleased with the outcome of our first survey. Our intention is to regularly invite feedback to ensure that we continue to achieve high standards and meet the needs of our clients.
Jule Fawcett from Big Yellow won the prize draw, and money has been donated to three charities – The Trussell Trust, Billy Chip and The Royal British Legion as a thank you to clients for taking part in the survey.
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