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Surface Materials - Render


Render Cleaning

Render usually becomes discoloured by environmental and organic pollutants. Care must be taken when cleaning to ensure the surface is not broken or compromised. Pressurised steam cleans render gently; using steam at 150°C also kills surface-based spores, helping prohibit regrowth.

Where Is Render Used

Render is often applied to external walls to achieve a smooth or textured finish. Traditional render is cement based and can be tinted or painted after application. Cement render can also be modified to incorporate acrylic - a mixture of plastic polymers and petroleum, to create a more water resistant and resilient surface. 

The primary cause of the discoloration of render are biofilms such as moss, algae and lichens. Many factors influence the growth of biofilms including, the building's orientation in relation to the sun, the pH of the surface, moisture levels and temperature. 

OneFifty cleans the following well-known brands and more:

  • StoRend
  • Parex
  • K Rend
  • Weber
  • Wetherby
  • Monocouche

Cleaning Render - The Method

We usually follow a three-step cleaning process for render cleaning. We start by cleaning the surface using pressurised steam at 150°C, with pressures as low as 40 Bar. This delivers an impressive yet gentle clean and ensures that all the surface based dirt and algae deposits have been effectively removed.

We then treat the surface with a special render wash which kills any biofilms that have become ingrained into the render. The wash also contains a fungicide which helps ensure eradication of spores. A final clean, leaves the surface looking as good as new. 

Steam cleaning render uses less water than pressure washing and moisture is not driven deep into the render so the surface can dry more quickly. If water penetrates render it can become trapped. It can then freeze and expand during the winter months causing cracking or blowing resulting in costly repair work.

Steam cleans gently and does not cause the scarring and damage that is frequently associated with traditional jet washing methods. Also, using steam at 150°C kills surface-based spores, helping prohibit regrowth. 

Related Render cleaning Case Studies

Exterior surface cleaning - Mallard Road Retail Park

We recently cleaned the building façades and paved areas of a Mallard Road Retail Park in Bournemouth.

Read full case study

Render cleaning - Oasis Multi-Academy Trust

We were delighted to be invited back by Oasis Academy Trust to clean the rendered façade of another if their schools.

Read full case study

Algae removal - San Lorenzo Court, Cornwall

When the walls of San Lorenzo Court - a contemporary retirement development in Saint Ives, Cornwall - became stained by unsightly black algae OneFifty knew exactly what to do.

Read full case study

Render Cleaning Services across the UK

London | Manchester | Birmingham | Liverpool | Leeds | Bristol


Facade Cleaning Services across the UK

London | Manchester | Birmingham | Liverpool | Leeds | Bristol

Some of our clients


Client Testimonials

“Thank you to you and your team for delivering such high standards of service whilst representing RelyOn.”

Jason Husk - RelyOn Services

“I was very impressed with the finish your company produced and how quickly you managed to do it.”

Tom Brady - MD Building Services

“I just wanted to let you know that we are on site today and think that the building is looking so much better, so thank you very much for that.”

Anita Pitts - Hartwell House

“The work was carried out to a very high standard and we would not hesitate to use you again.”

Cathering Stott - Eunomia Research & Consulting

“Looks really good, we are very impressed with your state of the art cleaning equipment. Please pass on our thanks to Andy.”

Adam Reynolds - Cheltenham Borough Council

“It is refreshing to work with such a dynamic, enthusiastic and reliable team.”

Adam Coombs - Regional Director, Hillcrest

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